An Intense Dive into the Form 990
Tuesday September 6, 2022
Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. If you have specific questions that you need advice for, be sure to schedule a strategy session and not solely rely on information in this podcast. This season is all about the IRS form 990. What is the IRS 990? It is an informational return telling the IRS what your organization is doing. It allows for... Read More
Enjoy The 990
Tuesday April 21, 2020
Any accounting, business or tax advice in this here podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formal opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Got to tell you this because don't want y'all coming for me. Back to the episode. Hey, it is Chyla Graham and this is another episode of the nonprofit nuggets podcast. This is the final episode for the season, which was all about the IRS form 990 the information return for nonprofits. Throughout the season, I... Read More
Brag on Yourself
Monday April 13, 2020
Any accounting business or tax advice in this here podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formal opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Got to tell you this because don't want y'all coming for me. Back to the episode. Hey it is Chyla Graham the CNRG accounting advisory and welcome to another episode of the nonprofit nuggets podcast. This season is all about the IRS form 990 and informational return for nonprofits. I want nonprofit leaders have... Read More
Is it Free99
Tuesday April 7, 2020
Any accounting business or tax advice in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formal opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Hey, it is Chyla Graham time for another episode of the nonprofit nuggets podcast. This season is all about the IRS form 990 the informational return for nonprofits this season. I wanted everyone to make sure that nonprofit leaders have a better understanding of the form and how it fits into the foundational... Read More
They Can Find You On The Internet
Tuesday March 31, 2020
Any accounting, business or tax advice in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formal opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Hey, it is Chyla Graham. It is time for another episode of the nonprofit nuggets podcast. This season is all about the IRS 990 and informational return for nonprofits. I want you to have a better understanding of the return and how it fits into the foundational pieces for healthy nonprofits. Those pieces being... Read More
Gut Check
Tuesday March 24, 2020
Any accounting, business or tax advice in this here podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formal opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Got to tell you this because don't want y'all coming for me, back to the episode. Hey, welcome back is another episode of the nonprofit nuggets podcast and we are talking about 990s again. In case you did not hear last episode. The 990 is the IRS form for an informational return for nonprofits. This season.... Read More
So What’s The 990
Tuesday March 17, 2020
Any accounting business or tax advice in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formal opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Welcome to season two of the nonprofit nuggets podcast. This season is all about the IRS form 990, an informational return for nonprofits. I want you to have a better understanding of the return and how it fits into the foundational pieces for a healthy nonprofit. Those pieces being mission, priorities, tools and... Read More
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